What's new with us?

Sensational product launches? Informative press releases? Or looking for other news from Fischer? Here you will find what you are looking for.

New partnership in Europe

New partnership in Europe

Think Global – Act Local!

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Optimaler Einsatz antimikrobieller Beschichtungen

Optimal use of antimicrobial coatings thanks to X-ray fluorescence analysis

Measurement precision as an advantage for health and the economy.

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Case Study Performance Schichtdickenmessung

New Case Study: How to optimize the performance of your coating thickness measurement

Learn different ways to achieve valid measured values!

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Fischer Malaysia

Fischer Malaysia opens new headquarters

Not only our measurement technology is "Ready for the Future

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ISO/IEC 17025-zertifizierten Kalibrierfolien

How to measure accurately & traceably: with ISO/IEC 17025-certified calibration foils

Benefit from Fischer calibration foils - ISO/IEC 17025 certified in our accredited calibration laboratory!

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Neuer digitaler Pulsprozessor DPP+

Fischer presents the next generation of the digital pulse processor

The new DPP+ pulse processor developed in-house.

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Betrug eines Goldhändlers in Wuhan

Scandal in China: 83 tons of fake gold deposited as loan collateral

Scam of a gold dealer in Wuhan.

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IHK-Preis Kooperationsprojekt

IHK award to cooperation project between Fischer and CCA-BW

IHK honours cooperation project between Fischer and the CCA-BW with the "Excellent Technology Transfer Neckar-Alb" award.

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Dr. Martin Leibfritz übernimmt Geschäftsführung

Dr. Martin Leibfritz takes over as Managing Director

On 24 October 2019, Dr Martin Leibfritz took over the position of Managing Director of Helmut Fischer Global.

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