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Sichere und zerstörungsfreie Messung von Kalziumphosphat-Beschichtungen auf Stahldrähten

X-ray fluorescence analysis for non-destructive coating thickness measurement in the field of cold forging

Safe and non-destructive measurement of calcium phosphate coatings on steel wires.

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Helmut Fischer GmbH receives TOP 100 seal

Award-winning innovative strength: Helmut Fischer GmbH has been awarded the TOP 100 seal 2021.

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Scratch-Tester FISCHERSCOPE® ST 200 ab sofort im Einsatz an der Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena

Fischer supports teaching and research in the field of materials engineering

Scratch tester FISCHERSCOPE® ST 200 now in use at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena.

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Das richtige Messgerät für Ihre spezifische Messaufgabe

What to look for when choosing an X-ray fluorescence analysis instrument

The right measuring device for your specific measuring task.

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Productronica 2021

Measurement technology specialist Fischer at Productronica 2021

Get to know and try out high-precision measuring and analysis equipment from the world market leader.

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Vorteile Proportionalzählrohrs

Advantages of the proportional counting tube for XRF analyses

The proportional counter tube is indispensable in the portfolio of a measurement technology specialist.

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Wissenschaftliche Publikation mit Fischer Messtechnik

Scientific publication with Fischer Messtechnik

Simple, non-destructive thickness measurement of zinc layers formed by diffusion galvanising.

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Top 100 2021

We are pleased about the TOP 100 seal

Helmut Fischer wins TOP 100 innovation competition.

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Firmenjubiläum der Helmut Fischer AG

Company anniversary of Helmut Fischer AG

The competent partner for coating thickness measurement and material testing in Switzerland for 50 years.

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