Fischer do Brasil Tecnologias de Medição LTDA.

Fischer do Brasil Tecnologia de Medições LTDA. is based in São Paulo - SP. The company is responsible for the entire South American continent and is available to customers onsite with Fischer technology.

Fischer in Brazil.

Fischer do Brasil has been the official Helmut Fischer subsidiary in South America for more than 10 years. With a team directly in Brazil and distributors in South America, we support the entire region with customer visits and close support for all our customers in South America.

With a fully equipped application laboratory based in São Paulo, we offer a high level of sales and service support.


You can find us here. Your Fischer branch onsite for you.

Fischer do Brasil Tecnologias de Medição LTDA.

R. Vilela, 652 – Cj 1402
03314-000 Sao Paulo

55 11 3588 0909
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